Auscultation-Percussion as a Means of Diagnosis for Fractures of the Long Bones (Auskultasi-Prekursi sebagai Sarana Diagnosis Fraktur Tulang Panjang)
The objective of the study was to assess the accuracy of auscultation-percussing as a means of establishing the diagnosis of fractures of the long bones and to evaluate the possibility of the technique as an alternative diagnostic method for radiologic examination. Patients with suspected fractures were recruited, 41 were examined by ausculation-precussion, physical and radiologis examination. Ausculation-percussion was able to differentiate fractures from non-fractures (significant values for the Fischer exact test of p=0.00015). Tractured bones were not accurately detected by physical examination. Sensitivity of ausclatation-percussion was 71.43 percent, specificity 92.31 percent as compared to radiologic methods. The positive and negative predictive values were 95.24 percent and 60 percent. The false positive and negative predictive values were 95.24 percent and 60 percent. The false positive and negative predictive values were 4,76 percent and 40 percent. Hereby establishing the accuracy of auscultation-percussion and therefore enabling the utilization of ouscultation-percussion as an alternative method for diagnosis.
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