Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination in the Elderly (Vaksinasi Tetanus Tokosoid pada Usia Lanjut)
The aging population is big phenomenon at the end of 20th century. It caused many problems in the policy making. Compare with other country, Indonesian people above 60 are high. It was predicted that the year 2015 the aging population will be more prominent than children under five. The aim of the health effort is to make their life happier and healthier. Many aspects should be consider including promotive and preventive aspects which should be done comprehensively with the curative and rehabilitative aspects. Many infections occurred in the elderly and often caused high morbility and mortality. In this population the signs and symptoms of these diseases do not appear completely as the classical sign. At present 4 kinds of vaccines are available for the aged group, that are tetanus toxoid, Pneumococcus, Meningococcus and influenza vaccines. Although tetanus cases are rare, but consider its high mortality rate it is indeed necessary to do the immunization.
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