Hubungan Kepadatan Populasi Nyamuk Anopheles Sundaicus dengan Tempat Perkembangbiakan di Kabupaten Ciamis (Relationship Between Mosquito Population Density of Anopheles Sundaicus and its Breeding places in Ciamis District)
The flight distances of Anopheles sundaicus in Sukaresik District of Ciamis is 910 meters from its breeding places, however the area which is related to mosquito density is not described due influence of many variables, therefore the study was carried out to determine relationship between flight range and mosquito density. The benefit of data related to priority setting for malaria vector control. The methodology analysis for this study was performed by entomological survey which is divided into 5 zones. The range of zone was 0 into 375 meters from breeding places with different of human density (Zone 1 was 0-75 m, Zone II was 75-150m, Zone III was 150-225 m, zone IV was 225-300 m and zone V was 300 -375). Each zone was selected 5 houses for catching stations of mosquito both indoor and outdoor. The number of An. sundaicus which was trapped both indoor and outdoor was combined and grouped by range zone, therefore was calculated the number of proportion each zone. The replication of this study is 3 times at interval of 14 days/ The result of proportion was analyzed to figure out each zone relationship between range of potential breeding places mosquito density and human density. The conclusion of this study: the human density under flight range of An. sundaicus are related to mosquito density, however the range of breeding places and human density was not correlated to mosquito density. The recommendation of this study: for malaria control both human density and house density should be considered.
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