Sefalgia paa Penderita Obstructive Sleep Apnea di Laboratorium Tidur RS Mitra Kemayoran, Jakarta (Caphalgia among Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients in Sleep Laboratory Hospital, Jakarta)
Caphalgia and sleep disorders are closely related; especially in obstructive Sleep Apnea patients Apnea (OSA). To evaluate frequency of cephalgia among Obsructive Sleep Apnea patients. A cross-sectional study was done on sleep disorder patients in sleep laboratory Mitra Kamayoran Hospital Jakarta, from January until Desember 2007. There were 65patients, only 4 has no OSA based on PSG examination; 21.3% were mild, 23.0% moderate and 55.7% severe OSA. Men consisted of 98.4%. Mostly more than 45 years of age (57.4%-mean 43.86±13.87 years). Mean Body Mas Index (BMI) 26.53 (SD 5.14). Mean neck circumference 44.84 cm (SD 7.99). Mean Apnea Hypopnea index (AH) 38.90 (SD 25.55) and lowest Oxygen saturation 72.40% (SD 11.17). Fourty-two people had OSA and cephalgia (68.9%) with mean AHI 43.25 (SD 25.28) BMI 26.99 (SD 5.52), neck circumference 45.92 cm (SD 8.18) and oxygen saturation 71.69 (SD 11.50) Cephalgia often followed sleep disorder OSA; this co-morbidity warrants better management.
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