Risiko Penyakit Jantung paa Perokok Peserta Program Jamkesmas
For years heart disease prevalence have increased. Result of Basic Health Researach (known as Rised Keseahatan Dasar-Riskesdas) 2007 showed that heart is the second major cause of death after stroke in mortality cases in Indonesia. As a matter of fact, other researches results indicate that smoking as a risk factor for heart disease and most of smoker are poor people. Indonesian government guarantees the poor to get free medical treatment through Jamkesmas program (social assistance program in health sector for the poor. In 2007, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital (RSCM) noted that 60% of heart disease patients treated in this hospital is poor. The trends of cases and government budget to control heart disease are always increasing. Objective of this study was to know smoker prevalence, food consumption and activity for participants JAMKESMAS and also to know risk factor of heart diseases for them. Cross sectional wasutilized as the study design. The Riskesas and Susenas 2007 data was used in this research. Allresearch variables had been analyzed in bivariat (X²test) and multivariate (logistic regression) by using a complex sample in SPSS v 16. The results shows that smokers Jamkesmas are most in aged 35-44 years; do enough physical activites; an less eating fruits and vegetables, 1.8% of Jamkesmas smokers had diagnosed heart disease by health personnel. Based on statistical analysis, physical activity, fruit and vegetable comsumption, smoking gener, and age is risk factor of heart disease.
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