Determinan Penyakit Diare pada Anak Balita di ProvinsinNanggo Aceh Darusalam, Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Gorontalo dan Papua
Diarrhoeal diseases become the second caused of death of the under-fives, the third in infant, and the fifth at all people in Indonesia. WHO indicated that about 301-347 per 1000 people still infected by diarrhea fro year 2000 up to 2003. This study analyzed the Basic Health Research data collected in 2007 to determine the prevalence, characteristic determinants including its Odd Ratio (behavioral, environmental sanitation, household caharacteristic, and specific condition of child), of the 20245 under –fives children in 6 provinces having diarrhea prevalence above the 2007 national diarrhea prevalence rates (16.7%). (NAD: 27% Gorontalo: 24%, NTB: 23%, NTT: 22%, Papua: 21%, and West Java: 18%) The results showed that highest prevalence of diarrhea rates was found at the family with having lower level of percapita expenditure (kuintil 1 and 2): in mother who worked as a famer/fisherwoman/labour, and did not used latrine as well as lack of control for contamination of water available at home. The specific conditions of the under-fives that related to the increase prevalence of diarrhea area the existence of typhoid and measles, frequency of DPT immunization and over weight condition. The Odds of having diarrhea occurred in the under-fives having measles 1 month earlier (OR. 2.61) followed by the lack of control of the quality of the water condition available at home (OR 1.19), open water tank (OR 1.40), Defecate not in WC (OR 1.36), Not receiving meales immunization (OR 1.37) and DPT immunization less than 3 times (OR 1.19). It is concluded that to prevent diarrhea, it is important for children to have full coverage of immunization, to improve health behavior of mothers and children especially to wash hand before eating or preparing meals, and to improve quality of questions in order to get more specific information related to the child’s habits and practices to prevent diarrhea.
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