Analisis Hubungan Penyakit Jantung dengan Faktor Fisiologis Abnormal kajian Data Riskesdas 2007 sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Tingkat Individu terhadap Kematian Akibat Penyakit Jantung
The major causes of mortalities in Indonesia shifs to Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). One of the most common NCDs was Coronary Heart Diseases which was linked to common preventable risk factors that related to physiological factors (intermediate risk factors) i.e hypertension, obesity and central obesity, diabetes. Data from Indonesia National Basic Health Survey Health Survey 2007 had been analyzed to figure the emerging epidemics of the heart diseases and to indentify the association with the physiological factors. Showed that the prevalence of suppose coronary heart disease diagnosed by health provider based on interview was 1.16% as well as the symptoms that was 5.97%. The prevalences of hypertension, obesity based on BMI and central obesity, diabetes based on interview and symptoms for people 15 years old and older were 32.5%, 10.0%, 20.4% and 1.6% respectively. The logistic regression showed significantly correlation (p
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