Pengaruh Dosis Pencemaran Insektisida Malathion terhadap Organ Ginjal, Testes dan Kelenjar Adrenal Tikus.
The aim of the research is to study the effect of insecticide malathion in contamination dosage in Indonesia to the kidneys, testicle and adrenal gland. The research used white rat, with average weight of 200 gram, aged of 8 months old. To study the effect of malathion on orans, 180 rats were use. Doses applied were 4 mg/kg bw and 8 mg/kg BW (equal to the amount which was found in contaminated areas in Indonesia) far 30 and 60 days o application. The rats were divided into 6 groups with 30 individual f each group. Parameters measured were the total animals which have the same abnormality in their kidneys, testice and adrenal gland for each dose given compared to the control group. All data were analysed by using chi square test and t-test. The result showed that the animals in the treatment group had abnormality in their kidneys, testicle and adrenal gland which are significantly different from the control group.
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