Deteksi Antigen Virus Dengue pada Progen Vektor Demam Berdarah dengan Metode Imunohsitokimia (The Detection of Dengue Antigen in Progent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Mosquito Vectors Using Imunohistochemical Asay)
Dengue infection has expanded to other geographic areas in Indonesia due to changes in human ecology and behavior. I many tropical and subtropical areas of the world this viruses are endemic and causes periodic or annual outbreaks of disease. Among the complex and multifactors responsible for the increase of dengue cases, the transovarian mechanism may play an important role. This research was conducted to investigate the possibility of transovarian transmission of dengue virus in the population of Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopictus in endemic areas of central Java Province. Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopictus larvae were collected from the DHF endemic areas i.e., Semaang Municipality, Kendal, Tegal, Grobogan and Sukoharjo Regency. Aees sp. Larvae from endemic areas were reared to adults in Insectary of Vector and Reervoir Dieases Research and Development Unit Salatiga. Head squashes of either male or feale of all Aedes sp. Mosquito (Ae. Aegypti and Ae. Albopictus) were tested for presence of dengue antigen in the brain based on immunohistochemical (streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase-complex) techniques using monoclonal antibody against dengue antigen (IC7) produced by Gadjah Mada University. Results indicated that Ae. Aegypti population (0,48%-8,77%) from 6 distric of 5 endemic area (Ngemplak Simongan and Manyaran Distric, Semarang Municipality, Cepiring and Kaliwungu District Kendal regency, Ngruki and Maamhaji Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency) have brownish color in their brain, meanwhile others have blue color. It was conducded that the population of Ae. Aegypti from 6 district of 5 endemic area have shown the transovarian transmission of dengue virus of 5 enemic area have shown the transovarian transmission of dengue virus. Brownish color was also found on the Ae. albopictus fro Manyaran District of 5 endemic area have shown the Transovarian transmission of dengue virus. Brownish color was also found on the Ae. Albopictus from Manyaran District Semarang Municipality, therefore it was proved to be a dengue vector. Therefore vector control activities should focus on marvel stages using larvicide or regular household sanitation or clean-up campaigns. The 3 M slogan which in English translates to dry off, cover and bury must be added accordingly for getting rid of mosquito’s eggs (brush off) which are attached to the surface containers (3M+S); this must be informed soon to the community.
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