Hubungan Stres Kerja, Suhu di Ruang Kerja, dan Kadar Hemoglobin dengan Kelelahan Pegawai di Instalasi Binatu Rumah Sakit dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta
Role laundry unit at hospital is very important mean in suppoting service to patient. Environmental danger work in laundry unit can be in the form of the psychosocial danger that is work stress. High temperature in workroom can result the employees feel hot and weaken quickening incidence of fatique, despitefully level of hemoglobin influence to health very harming because it can decreasing of work productivity and generate the work fatigue. This research is am at to know the relation between work stress and work fatigue; temperature in workroom and work fatigue; level of hemoglobin and work fatigue; work stress, temperature in workroom, level of hemoglobin relationship with work fatigue employees in laundry unit Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta.
The research is an observational study with a cross sectional approach by applying at once observation. The subject on this research is that the laundry unit employees are know based on inclusion of 31 people. Independent variable on this research is work stress, temperature in workroom, and level of hemoglobin, dependent variable is work fatigue. The data analysis uses SPS 2000 with defined meaning level 0,05.
The result of the research shows that at regression analysis has a very significant relation between work stress and work fatigue as a result of WRC measurement where p:0.005. The result of the regression analysis has no relation between temperature in workroom and work fatigue. The result of regression analysis has no relation between level of hemoglobin and work fatigue. The result of the regression analysis between work stress, temperature in workroom, level of hemoglobin with work fatigue shows that there has significant relationship as a result of WRC measurement where p:0.032.
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