Analisis Beban Biaya Sendiri Pasien Rawat Inap Peserta Askes di RSUD dr. Achmad Diponegoro, Putussibau, Kalimantan Barat
The Indonesian govemment has determined a policy of using coal briquettes as alternative fuel. With the increasing usage, govermment need information about health effects associated with the use of coal briquettes. The objective ofthis study is to know health effects (measured by respiratory symptoms of worker’s) associated with the use of coal briquettes fuel in small industries. The study design is cross-sectional using primary data collected through questionnaire, physical examination and level of exposure measurement in the workplace. The exposure measured include all dust, NO2, SO2, Benzen, Cd and Mn. The sample consisis of 61 respondents from exposed group and 61 respondents from control group. The exposed group consisted of workers using coal exposed group with control group and proportion of respiratory symptoms was also show no significant difference. All exposure were below threshold limit values (TLVs) in the study. The study show no association between respiratory symptoms and the use of coal briquette fuel in small industries. It is suggested to conduct futher studies using cohort and include all typers of coal briquettes.
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