Pengaruh Waktu Pengeringan terhadap Kadar Tanin Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk).
The study of drying period to tannin content on Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. Was conduted to assess the optimal perod of drying as well as the maximum tanin content on the raw material. Both Sun and oven drying are commonly applied in post harvest handing, but this study used only oven-died (40◦C) for the following time: 6,7 hours. The tanin content was determined by spectrophotometry UV-Vs (Folin Dennis and saturated Natrium Carbonat). Qualitative aasessment analysez by colour and sedimentation reaction. The qualitative analysis result showed that H2SO4 changed into brown, HCL changed into greenish yellow, FeCl2 changed into blackish blue, and albumin solution and gelatin induced a sediment. Quantitative analysis result showed thtat on 6 hours treatment (0.4833±0.0254)% w/w, on 7 hours (0.5684±0.0096)% w/w and on 8 hours (0.6440±0.0184) w/w. Data were analyzed by oe way ANOVA followed by T-Test. It was concluded that the periodof drying influenced the tannin content of Guazuma ulmifolia. The highest tanin content was shown by the 8 hours treatment.
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