Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh, Jenis Kelamin, Usia Golongan Darah dan Riwayat Keturunan dengan Tekanan Darah pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Pekan Baru (The Relationship Between Body Mass Index, Sex, Age, Blood Group and Heredity With Blood Pressure of Government Employee in Pekan Baru)
The increasing prevalence of hpertenson is an important public health problem contributing to significant exces disease and mortality. The risk factors of high blood pressure were obesity, sex diference, aged, and heredity. Some factors had clearly evidence that had relatonship with blood pressure, but other had not clearly, e.g. blood group. To study the relationship between BMI, sex, age, blood group and heredity of hypertension with blood pressure. A cross-sectional survey was conducted survey wa conducted in Pekan Baru. Subjects were government employee. Blood pressure was clected using sphygmanometer. Eight were colected by SECA and height by microtoice. Blood group, sex, age, heredity was collected using questionaire. The JNC 7 was used to classify of hypertension. A subject of 510 government employee aged 30-55 years was selected in Pekan Baru. The prevalence of pre-hypertension was 37.5% and hypertension was 10,4%. The prevalence o overweight and obese (BMI≥25.0) was 60,6%. BMI was positively associated wit systole blood pressure (SBP). This study found that every BMI Increase was associated with an SBP increase of 0.362 mmHg for men and wmen. Distole blood pressure (DBP) of women was lower 3,4 point than men. There was positively asociated between aged and systole/disstole. Evary one year increase was associated with an SBP increase of 0,493 mmHg, and 0,189 mmHg DB. Blood group was not associated with SBP of AB blood groups was lower than A, B or O blood group, and DBP was lower than B blod group. There was strong association between heredity hypertension and SBP, and DBP of subject that had hypertension heredity was higher 4,8 mmHg, and diastole was higher 3,5 mmHg than subject without heredity hypertension. There was positively associated between BMI and SBP; between aged and SBP, and DBP, Men had higher DBP than women. Subyet that had hypertension heredity had higher SBP, and DBP than subject without hypertension heredity.
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