Peran Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Pengobatan Obat Tradisional dan Griya Obat Tradisional dalam Penggunaan Obat Tradisional yang Aman dan Bermanfaat.
Nowadays, the Existence of traditional medicines takes place on Indonesia people. In contrary,it is followed by negative affects of traditional medicines services. People ned traditional medicines which ae definitely safe and benefit. Therefore Health Department has to peform up a certain guidance and regulation to orange the movement of traditional medicines. Laboratory of Traditional Medicines Services Research and Development (Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Pengobatan Obat Tradisioal = LP4OT) have been providing the medicine services using traditioal medicine (hebals). House health services in LP4OT are commitedby physician, pharmacist, pharmacist and administrator. LP4OT is an institutional belongs to Health services in LP4OT are committed by physician, pharmacist and adminisrator. LP4OT is an institutional belongs to Health Department. Thus, it have obligation to guidance on arrangement of traditional medicine performer and health community in Indonesia once at all. For now LP4OT is on the formative level. It is needed obvious actions to developing to nomativel level, such as standardization of traditional medicines, method of traditional medicine, laboratory, and make cooperation with other research institutional and academics community.
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