Strategi Pembinaan Pengobatan Tradisional untuk Menempatkan Pengobatan Tradisional Menjadi Salah Satu Sumber Daya Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Diakui
In health, traditional medicine is in an alternative therapy to solve their health problems. The development of traditional medicine accopaied by people enthusiasm in traditional medicine, insists government to improve and control traditional medicine as a realization of government’s protection to citizen. The government relased Kepmenkes RI No. 1076/Menkes/SK/VI/2003 about Traditional Medicine Arrangement. Government also formed Sntra Pengembangan dan Penerapan Pengobatan Tradisional (SP3T) that was obligated to can does studies, researchs, and examinations on traditional medicines. There are some obstacles in improving and controlling traditional medicine, such as regulation, understanding on traditional medicine among health community, standarization the methods and intensify in improvement for better quality of traditional medicine. The use of traditional medicine has not be followed by clinical evidences on quality, quantity and accessibility of traditional medicine. Thus it’s necessary for Health Department of Indonesia to rearrange its programmes in establishing and developing traditional medicines. Ministry of Health must over come issues to maximize the potential of traditional medicines as one of health services, such as polices, such as polices on traditional medicine; safety, efficacy and quality, access; and the traditional.
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