Tingkat Ketersediaan dan Konsumsi Garam Beryodium di Tingkat Rumah Tangga
Karangasem Regency is one of severe endemic areas of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (GAKY) in Bali. The government has implemented iodized salt program for the community. It was targeted that the year 1995 as the “Year of Universal iodized Salt”, but it did not achieve until yet. This study was conducted to identify the availability of iodized salt, the level of iodine in iodized salt, and the level of consumption of iodized salt at the household level. It was a cross-sectional study of 90 households which were selected systematically. The availability of iodized salt was collected using questionnaire and observation method. The level of of iodine in iodized salt was examined using iodine test, and salt consumtion was calculated by dividing the family salt consumption by family size. The availability of iodized salt at household level was 81,1% at which 84,9% was donated by the Health Department of Karangasem Regency. All samples were having a problem to buy the iodized salt. There were 69,9% samples who bought non-iodized salt, and 30,1% bought iodine salt from othare places. It was found that 98,6% iodine salt contained iodine above of the lower standard level (≥30 ppm) and 14% below of the lower standard level (< 30 ppm There were 52,1% samples consumed iodine salt about 6-10 g/person/day. However, there were 47,9% sample consumed less than 6 g/person/day. To maintain the availability of iodized salt at the household level, it is important to asure the availability of iodized salt on the market. The government should make beter regulation about iodized salt distribution. Nutrition education of iodized salt is also necessary on a routine basis.
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