identifikasi dan determinasi tanaman obat tradisional masyarakat Sulawesi Tenggara pada Arboretum Prof. Mahmud Hamundu Universitas Haluoleo (identification and determination of traditional medicinal plants of Souheast Sulawesi people at arbortum Prof. Mahgmud Hamundu Haluoleo University)
Seventeen traditional medicinal plants of South East Sulawesi are collected at Arboretum Prof. Mahmud Hamundu Universitas Haluoleo have been determined by Herbarium Bogoriense staff, Cibinong Bogor. The plants came from Konawe and Konawe Selatan districts. Endemicity of those plants were based on ethnobotanial study using information from “Tokoh Masyarakat Tolaki” and “Tokoh Masyarakat Jawa”. C Collected traditional medicinal plants at those places, but have not known in Java, are assumed as specialized plants of Tolakinese. All of the plants were determined at Herbarium Bogoriense. Moreove, detailed study of those plants including biology, chemistry and pharmacy aspects were done by electronically literatures study using science direct programmed. According to the literatures, Sterculea of oblongata R.Br. and Talinum willd have not been reported the research yields.
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