Hubungan Dukungan Suami dengan Pemberian ASI pada Byi Usia 0-6 Bulan
Exclusive Breast Feeding or ASI Ekslusif is one of the Government’s programs aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality retes among babies and children. However, program accomplishment is uite low probably due to lack of family suport. The study was therefore directed at learning the relationship of family (husband) support with the pratice of exclusive breast feeding to 0-6 month old babies. The analytical study adopted a cross sectional design and 134 respondents were sampled from the population using cluster sampling. Data were collected using a uestionnaire which incorporate close-ended inuiries. Husband’s support was assigned as independent variable and exclusive breast feeding practice was assigned as the dependent variable. Spearmanncorrelation analysis was exercised to analyze the relationship at a significant of P
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