Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dengan Tumbuh Kembang pada Bayi Usia 6-12 Bulan
Mother’s breast milk (Air Susu Ibu, ASI) caontains all the necessary nutrients reuired by babies until they are sibc months old (ASI Eksklusif). In reality there are many mothers who did not provide heir babies with ASI eksclusif. This observation was aimed at studying the relationship of providing ASI eksklusif with babies growth and development at the age of 6-12 months in the operational area of the Sub Puskesmas Krembangan Selatan Surabaa. This was an analitical study, aiming at a population of mothers with babies of 6-12 months old. A sample of 126 individuals were recruited by sample random sampling. The statistical analyses was performed by exercising Chisuare tests at (p)=0,05 significant level. Results of the study revealed that tehere was a relationship between the provision of ASI Eksklusif and the growth of 6-12 month babies while there was no association between the provision of ASI Eksklusif and the development of 6-12 month babies. It is suggested that health workers shouki continue providing information on the importance of giving ASI Ekslusif, to mothers as wll as the general community so that babies best possible growth and development an be accomplished.
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