Pengaruh Konsumsi Minuman Jus Jambu Biji terhadap Jumlah Trombosit (Studi Kasus pada Pasien Tersangka Demam Berdarah Dengue di Unit Intermediate Penyakit Infeksi RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaa)
This was an analytical study using a correlation design performed on DHF suspects, especially those who were undergoing their third, fifth, and seventh day of fever. The population under study was all DHF patients, male and female, including children, with clinical diagnosis suggesting the possibility of DHF, who were consuming guave juice. Research sample 50 individuals, were selected randomly from patients who were consuming guava juice at a daily dose of 8-2 mL/kG of body the Intermediate Unit of Infectious Diseases of the RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Hospital. Most patients suspected of having DHF underwent a deccline in their red blood cell count during the third and fifth day of fever, and back to increase again on the seventh day of fever. Based on the thrombocyte count of the 50 patients, there was a significant impact of consuming guava juice on the percentage of the red blood cell count. It is suspected that the thrombositopenia among DHF patients occus due to increased destruction of thrombocytes by the retikuloendotelial system aggregation of thrombocytes due to damaged vascuar endhotel (Sugianto, 1994). Concumption of guave juice would not increase production of thrombocytes, it merely helped in the recovery process leading to the lessening of Thrombocytes in use, thus the thrombocyte count in the blood circulation would be back to normal
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