Histological Structure of Thymic Gland in Rodents (Gambaran Histologi Kelenjar Timus pada Binatang Mengerat)
This was an early explorative description research to see the histology structure of thymic gland in rodents (rabbit, gutnea pigs, mice, rats). This research was done to 10 rabbits, 10 guinea pigs, mice, 10 rats. The animals were killed. The thymic glands were fixated with Bouin solution in 3 hours and then 10 percent formalin in 20 hours. They were made with microtechnic process by parafin methode. The glands were cut into 5 u and coloured with Hematoxillin Eosin. The preparats were examined with a light microscope. The result from preparat of rabbits, mice and rats lymphocyts were spread in cortex denser than in medulla. In medulla it was not seen Hassal bodies, only a few reticular epithel calls were seen. In guina pigs : Lymphocyts were spread in cortex dense then medulla. In medulla, then were Hassal bodies with concentric shape and hialinisated at the centre.
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