Gambaran tentang Penyebab Partus Lama pada Ibu Bersalin di RSUD Pamekasan
Due to the high incidence of prolonged delivery (22.4%) at RSUD Kabupaten Pamekasan hospital in 2006, this investigation is aimed at studying the causes of prolonged delivery service process among mothers. This study followed an observational descriptive design and was exercised on medical records on prolonged delivery in the months of January through December 2006. Prolonged delivery is a common case among mothers of 20 – 35 years age group having prolonged latent phase, this requires attention for the possibility of nutrient deficiency which might have caused lack of strength to push. Results of the investigation also indicated that mothers having their first babies (primipara) experienced prolonged delivery more than mothers with previous delivery experiences. This also deviated from the theory which says that factors which cause prolonged delivery process are multipara or grande multipara. In the caseof prolonged deliveries caused by kelainan letak was kelainan letak janin foetal position which conforms to the theory saying that pregnancy with kelainan letak and presentasi rangkap may cause prolonged delivery process. Prolonged delivery caused by kelainan jalan lahir occurred in RSUD Kabupaten Pamekasan hospital in 2006, as much as 70% of 38 mothers experienced kelainan panggul. Therefore if latent phase or prolonged active phase occurred, the patographs need to be reviewed.
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