Hubungan antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Keluarga tentang Skizofrenia dan Tingkat Kepatuhan Memeriksakan Klien ke Poliklinik Jiwa Badan Pelayanan Khusus (BPK) Rumah Sakit Jiwa Propinsi Bali di Bangli
The research aims at identifying the family’s knowledge about Sczhizopherenia, the family”s obedience is taking the patient to the mental hospital and to analyze the correlation between knowledge and family’s obedience to seek for medical examinination. The research was conducted in Mental Hospital of Bali Province, in Bangli Regency in May 2005, subject approach beeng applied was Cross Sectional, sample was taken by exclusive research. Data analysis was conducted by statistical test of Chi Square with value U 0,05, the finding shows the value of x ² = 6,21, DF = 2, U = 0,05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected, and this means that there is correlation between knowledge about Schizophrenia and family’s obedience to seek for medical examination in Mental Hospital of Bali Province, in Bangli.
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