Breeding Place Nyamuk Aeds Aegypti Berdasarkan Warna Tempat Penampung Aiur (Kontainer)
Water container could be used as the nest of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes as a result of the unwareness to keep theeleanliness of the container. The dark condition of water container gives supporting environment to the masquito larva of edes aegypti for breeding. The dark condition of the container usually use more various color tan light colors.It is important to be noticed that the container usually use more various colors than light colors. It is important to be noticed that the container color is one study aims to analyse the effect of water container color for decreasing the number of Aedes Aegypti larva. This was an experimental study using post test control design. In the intervention group, there were two water containers painted with picolux paint, in black, blue, red, and while respectively. The control group were water containers using paintless color repeated fourth times. Recearchers conducted observation for the number of mosquito larva in the water containers every 8-9 days. It is found that there is no difference of the number of mosquito larva in the containers both put in the inside and the outside. The black containers contained the highest number of mosquito larva. In contrast, the white one is the last contain mosquito larva. The average comparison of mosquito larva is 5: 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 : 1. The data shows that black containers have more member of mosquito larva of Aedes aegypti. Based on the result of the research and analysis. It could be concluded that there wass no difference in the number of mosquito larva of Aedes aegypti in the containers which were placed In the or outside. In onder, the decending number of mosquito larva is in black red, blue, control (paintless), green and white container. This study suggest the society should use white water container to save their clean water for preventing the breeding of Aedes Aegypti mosquito larva.
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