Perbedaan Derajat (pH) Saliva Akibat Pemakaian Jangka Panjang Pesta Gigi Berdeterjen Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 5% dengan Pasta Gigi Nondeterjen (The Diffrence of Salivary pH Because of the Longterm Usage Detergent Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 5% Toothpaste Compared with)
Toothbrushing is a daily activity for every people, minimum two times a day Most them use toothpaste to brush their. Most of toothpaste contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate as a detergent for making foam. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate has benefit for toothbrushing effectively because of this its ability to splubilize fats and oils, lower the surface tension of aqeueous solutions or form microemultion. But it also has insuffiency because it has harmful effects on oral mucosa. It can break the lactoperoxidase saliva pH becoming decrease. If the oral environmewnt were acid it would make caries, periodontitis and halitosis shown up easily,. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of longterm usage Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 5% inside the toothpaste with salivary pH. The sample was young man with some criterias. The data were compared and examined with T-test. The result was salivary PH because of longterm usage detergent SLS 5% toothpaste lower than nondetergent toothpaste.
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