Neurofisiologi Perilaku Agresif (Neurophysiologi of Aggressive Behavior)
In many cases observed, political crisis, and global monetary crisis, triggers the violence in some parts of Indonesia. Malignant aggressively can be seen, for example Pol Pot and Hitler regime. According to Erich, the tingger of aggressively is the mirror of fear or worried to something which threatening for our wealth and self-existence. The amygdale as the centre of aggressively in the limbic system, and the influence of sub frontal cortex inhibition will be discussed here. The anger is drawn as the cattle that blown up because of the high pressure. The population density, poverty, and politics can trigger the aggression. Long-term stress, hormonal (testosterone), the influence of psychoactive drugs and alcohol, or cultural matters gives the influence in responding those stresses. Instead of giving the solution, these article is made to answer the human aggression as the law of nature, as “innate” factor, which is impossible to resist, but has to coped well. Individual and social-politic-cultural factors which develop an inability to love and act rationally, become tendency medium to life’s control absolutely, or in contrary destroyed if the absolute control cannot be done. Nowadays, instead of giving love, human prefer to got angry and do violation
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