Pendekatan Evidence-Based Medicine pada Manajemen Stroke Perdarahan Intraserebral(Management of Stroke Intracerebral Hemorrhage)
Intracerebral hemorrhage is common cause of stroke, accounting for between 5 and 10% of all strokes. Currently intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) has the highest mortality rate among all stroke subtypes. Hematoma growth is amain cause of early neurogical deterioration. Primary ICH develops in the absence of any underlyying vascular malformation than secondary, and intracerebral hemorrhage. Hypertensive arteriosclerosis and cerebral amyloid angiopatty are responsible for 80% of primary hemorrhages.Initial management should frist be directed toward the basics of airway, breatthing circulation, and detection of focal neurological deficits. Particular aftention should be given to detecting signs of external trauma. A complete examination should also include looking for complications such as pressure sores, compartement syndromes, and rhabdomyolysis in patients with a prolonged depressed level of consclousnees. Local data was used to describe the magnitude of the problem. Hypertension was observed in at least 50% of stroke survivors. There is some evidence that specific classes of antihypertensve drugs have different effects and or their in patient sub-groups. This review also evaluates the cost of antihypertensive drugs in secondary stroke prevention
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