Risk Factors of Trophoblastic Diseases (Faktor-faktor Risiko Penyakit Trofoblas)
A case control study was carried out in Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta to evaluate the risk factors for gestational trophoblactic diseases. One hundred and seven cases of trophoblas diseases fulfiling the inclusion criteria were included in this study. Data were obtained from the hospital medical record, and every case was conducted by 2 controls (normal delivery). It was found that woman age less than or equal to 19 years old and more than or equal to 5 increased the risk of trophoblastic disease with odds ratio 3.7, and all of these variables showed statistically significant in bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis. Gravidity more than or equal to 6, last interval pergnancy months 1-24 months and last pregnancy result with abortion had relative high odds ratio and statistically significant in bivariate analysis but not in multivariate analysis with stepwise logistic regression. There was a trend for increasing odds ratio with the increasing number of the history of spontaneous abortion, but not statistically significant. The study concluded that young (less than 19) and old (more than 35) women with high parity (more than 3) and with blood group A has a high risk to develop trophoblatic diseases.
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