Qualitative Analysis and Antihemolytic Activities Crude Isoflovones of Tempe Bosok (Analisis Kualitatif dan Aktivitas Antihemolitik Senyawa Isoflovon yang terdapat pada Tempe Bosok)
The objectivites of this research were to detect isoflovones daidzein, genistein, and factor 2 in Soybean, tempe, and tempe bosok (qualitative); antihemolytic activities crude isoflovones of soybean, tempe, and tempe bosok; crude isoflavones weight of soybean, tempe, and tempe bosok; and quantitative isoflavone daizein and genistein in extract which have the highest antihemolytic activities. The research was carried out at the Laboratorium Pangan, Applied Chemistry, LIPI-Serpong in September-October 1995, and in Laboratorium Biokimia Gizi, Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, IPB-Bogor in December 1995-January 1996. This research was arranged in complete rondomized design with two factors e.g. kinds of tempe and interval times of fermentation. The substances for this research was tempe which was made using LIPI's ragi and ragi which is usually used by tradesmen in Pasar Anyar, Bogor, and Americana variety soybean as raw material for making tempe. The chemical substances for analysis among other things were methanol, n-hexane, chloroform, and sodium buffer phospat (pH 7.4). The results showed that isoflavones daidzein, genistein, and factor 2 could not be detected in soybean, but appeared in tempe and tempe bosok. Statistic test defined that different kinds of tempe and interval times of fermentation influenced antihemolytic activities but did not influence crude isoflavones weight. Tempe which has the highest antihemolytic activities contains (per 100g dried basis) daidzein 0.314 Img (tempe Pasar) and 2.10450 mg (tempe LIPI), and genistein 0.29020 mg (tempe pasar) and 0.16205 mg (tempe LIPI).
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