Multistudy of Proximate and Bioavibility of Lysine on Infant Commercial Food (Studimulti Proksimat dan Bioavailabilitas Lisin pada Makanan Bayi Komersial)
Lysine is an essential amino acid and is often found as the first limiting amino acid in many food plants, especially in cereal grains. The determination of commercial baby foods were analyzed for the available lysine. Analyses were conducted by FDNB method. In general the lysine available of these products were about 0.65 percent-1.03 percent for the per-coked conditions/treatment and about 0.56 percent-0.9 percent for the ready to eat conditions/treatment products. Proximate (protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, dust, calorie) and vitamine C analyses were also done in this research and then were compared with those written on the label. In general the results of the chemical analyses showed that the nutrient content of the commercial baby foods were slightly different from those as written on the label. The differences were about 0.09 percent-9.25 percent.
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