The Effect Cyclical Substitution Therapic of Estrogen and Progesterone in the Alteration of Uterine Artery Blood Course on Perimenopause Women (Pengaruh Pengobatan Subsitusi Estrogen terhadap Arus Darah Arteri Uterima pada Wanita Perimenopause : Laporan Pendahuluan)
Objective: To study the effect cyclical substitution therapic of estrogen and progesterone in the alteration of uterine artery blood course. Design: Retrospective, descriptive. Setting: Menopause polyclinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology School of Medicine University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 10 post-menopausal women divided into two groups, A and B. Group A was administered conjugated estrogen of 0.625 mg/day during 30 days and didrogesterone of 10 mg/day during the last 10 days. Group B was administered conjugated astrogen of 0.625 mg/day during 21 days and followed by didrogesterone of 10 mg/day during 10 days. Blood course of uterine artery was examined with transvaginal USG, and resistance index measured. Also, the levels of E2, FSH, LH, PRL, HDL, and serum LDL were evaluated. Conclusions: The combined administration of conjugated estrogen and didrogesterone will cause a decrease in resistance index of uterine artery blood vessels.
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