APA Style

Yeane, I, S. (2007). Konsumsi Kalori dan Protein Penduduk Indonesia dan Provinsi 2007 : Berdasarkan Hasil Susenas Panel Maret 2007 : buku 2 = Consumption of calorie and protein of Indonesia and the Province 2007 : Based on Panel Susenas March 2007 : Book 2 . Jakarta: BPS.

MLA Style

Yeane, Irmaningrum, S. "Konsumsi Kalori dan Protein Penduduk Indonesia dan Provinsi 2007 : Berdasarkan Hasil Susenas Panel Maret 2007 : buku 2 = Consumption of calorie and protein of Indonesia and the Province 2007 : Based on Panel Susenas March 2007 : Book 2". Jakarta: BPS, 2007. print.