The Effect of Maternal Zinc through the Women Reproduction Function (Efek Defisiensi Seng (ZN) Maternal terhadap Fungsi Reproduksi Wanita)
Objective: to inform the effect of maternal Zn deficiency in the outcome of pregnancy. Design/data identification: Literature study. Results: Micronutrient such as Zinc (Zn) is required in the fetal development and growth. During pregnancy, physiologic Zn deficiency occur during first trimester caused by the elevation of estrogen blood concentration and during the second trimester by hemodilution. Some predisposing factors known are in adequate Zn intake and during the second trimester by hemodilution. Some predisposing factors known are in adequate Zn intake and alcoholism. Laboratory identification standard to determine Zn deficiency, has not yet been established. Shrimpton recommends Zn serum concentration less than 11 uMol/Las Zn deficiency, while other used Zn hair content to detect chronic Zn deficiency. Some obstertrical obstacles relate to Zn deficiency are : a). Teratogenic effects revealed in animal and human such as congenital anomalies: cleft lip only in animal, NTD in animal and human b). Pregnancy and delivery complications: IUGR, prematurity, postmaturity, toxemia, premature rupture of membrance, prolonged labour, postpartum hemorrhage. The recommendation for Zn supplemention dosage to Indonesia pregnant women should realy on the biovaibility study results. Conclusions: The effects of Zn deficiency on the outcome of pregancy are teratogenic effect, pregnancy and delivery complications, which are required further investigations. Zn supplementation study, among undermourished pregnant women are required.
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