Aedes aegypti mosquito is increasing problem of public health, being the vector responsible for Dengue and Chikungunya. Chlorpirifos (Organofosfat) and Metonil (Carbamate) were known to posses insecticide activity against insect. The study was aimed to examine effectiveness of Chlorpirifos and Metonil as insectiside against Ae. aegypti mosquito Chlorpirifos a significantly higher insecticide …
Musca domestica was insect that disturbing human and other animal. Intensity M. Domestica with human living includes public healthy. The aim of research is to observe succeed of Mdomestica in breeding wether difJerent place. Larva growth in each stadia was different, 2-4 days average. Its contributed by humidity. On dry container, pupae that succes eksklosi only 50%. Presentation offood show di…