The development of DHF patient usually assessed base on clinical condition, platelet count and haematocrit value as the DSS indicators. While leukocyte count is irrespective though leucopenia is common in viral infection. Therefore, further analysis was run to determine whether leucopenia could be as a predictor of DSS This study was a retrospective study with a case control (1:2) design usi…
Perkembangan pembangunandi segala bidangyang disertai dengan penigkatan kebutuhan dan pelayanan kesehatan baik jenis maupun mutunya. Pemanfaatan Puskesmas di desa Pulau Tagor masih kurang. Jumlah penduduk di kecamatan serba jadi 19.438 jiwa. Khusus untuk desa Pulau Tagor jumlah penduduknya 2,469 jiwa dengan jumlah kunjungan untuk tahun 2007 sebanyak 1.024 pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk men…
For years heart disease prevalence have increased. Result of Basic Health Researach (known as Rised Keseahatan Dasar-Riskesdas) 2007 showed that heart is the second major cause of death after stroke in mortality cases in Indonesia. As a matter of fact, other researches results indicate that smoking as a risk factor for heart disease and most of smoker are poor people. Indonesian government guar…
To determine the degree of radiographic abnormalities based on Kellgren-Lawrence criteria, to determine posturography features in patients with knee OA. Ninety nine subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling at the outpatient clinic of Internal Medicine in Cipto Mangukusumo Hospital. History taking and physical examination including rheumatology examination were conducted, folloed by knee …
Reporting and recording Sstem on Imunization in Indonesia have been faced with many dificulties. Data quality and accuracy are the main problem that can be found in Puskesmas. District Health Office and also in Provincial Health Office. Usually, Health information system is limited on data collecting activity but not following by analyzing it. Therefore, this current can’t support/provide val…
Malaria is public health problem which very serious for pregnant women. Pregnant women is more exposed to malaria infection compared with non-pregnant women. Pregnant womenmalaria prevalence on world estimated 10%-65%. Pregnant women on epdemic area in the world estimated more than 23 million people. Malaria danger on pregnant women beside can corrupt mother’s health such s anemia, heavy mala…