The purpose of research is to analyze the effectiveness of various waste sawdust in eliminating heavy metals and metals in waste water by a process of filtration. This experiment, conducted with a .sempte group treatment filtration process using sewdust teak, mahogany and sengon. The design of the study one group pre test post desaign end, then analyzed differences in the ability of sawdust is …
In order to fulfill human needs, food production usually generates wastes as the byproduct. Cassava is one example of mass consumption food which yield waste from its peels. Since cassava peel has high carbohydrate content, to minimize the negative impacts of the waste, it can recycle into flour and be utilized as one of food ingredients wet noodle making. The purpose of this research was to kn…
Resiko penularan penyakit akibat tertusuk jarum bekas injeksi mudah terjadi pada perawat melalui aktifitas pekerjaannya Menurut ANA (American Nurses Association, 1999) antara 600.000 sampai 1 juta kejadian cidera tertusuk jarum jarum beas injeksi terjadi dipelayanan kesehatan. Kejadian tersering karena memasukkan kembali tutup jarum tutup jarum bekas injeksi. Perawat berisiko terjangkitsekuran…
The correlation between IFN-y (TH-I CD'" function) and IL-4 level (T fr2 CD-I• jimction) in leprosy arthritis Background: II was hypothesized by some expertise that there is a negative correlation between TH-I CO'' function (IFN-ylevel) and Tw2 CO" function (lL-4 level) in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus pathogenesis (Leader). The correlation between IFN-y level and IL-4level in the leprosy a…
To promote the quality of tempe (Soybean-bread), especially for its B12 content, a characteristic and identification study of bacterial isolater of vitamin B12 from tempe was evaluated. The procedure used is according to Bergey, the isolate was tested for its potency in liquid medium culture as well as in solid medium culture. Analysis of vitamin B12 was performed according to microbiologycal m…