Glossarium : hlm. 245-248; Indeks : hlm. 249-252; Bibliografi : 253-262
ABSTRACT Organic waste which is yielded from market activities produce bad smell as a result of waste decomposition process. This continuing and sustaining unpleasant odor if are not well con-trolled can disturb the surrounding people's activities and also become breeding places for various disease vectors such as fly Bionetral is a product which can reduce the bad odor rise from the waste, …
Skin diseases were the priority among health problems of Giri Moslem Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren Putri) X of Yogyakarta. To solve the problems, supported by the potentiality of the existence of eight santries (students) health cadres, a pre-test post-test with control designed experiment was conducted to understand the influence of health elucidation carried out by the students health cad…
Background : Hyperuricaemia stimulated pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-a, IL-1 and IL-6They stimulate leucocyte adhesion to monosodium urate deposition area and multiply inflamatory response. Indonesian Bay-Ieaf (Eugenia polyantha), celery (Apium graveolens) and blackseed (Nigella sativa) had known decrease inflammatory response. These plants are common in lndonesia but had not clinically s…