Background: Cataract surgery is performed to rehabilitate the visual acuity. Some atients' complain dry eye symptoms after surgery. Therefore, it is assumed that cataract surgery can decrease corneal sensibility thus cause dry eye. The purpose of th is study was to investigate the decrease in corneal sensibility of patients before and after cataract surgery and determine whether the decrease in…
Dengue disease is a health problem because the cases increased every year. In 2004 the number of cases are 1023 cases and in 2005 increased to 1853 cases. In 2006 after numerous efforts to eradicate dengue disease with high cost such as fumigation (fogging), conselling and to eradicate mosquito breeding, the number of cas es is still an increase reached 3033 cases. Even in early 2008 an officia…
This research was analytic research with cross sectional design aimed to identify relationship between staff healthy behavior and hospital solid medical waste management in Surabaya. Population was all staff involved in hospital solid medical waste management including medical staff, paramedic, and non medic staff related with solid medical waste management from room with high and very high ris…
This research aims to find out if there is a relationship of emotional intel!igence and social interests with midwifery's student learning achievement on. The subjects in this research is to the studentd of Study Program Diploma III Midwifery Stikes Maharani Malang with proportional random sampling technique of 100 students. The subject is asked to fil! out ii number of items that exist on a sc…
Background: Jelly or jam is preserved foods, typically made from fruit by adding sugar or concentrated dektrosa with total dissolved solids content of at least 65%. Factors to consider in making butter, among others, temperature and sugar content of pectin and citric acid. Some aspects include the type of pectin, acid type and quality of fruit used and the cooking and filling procedures can als…
Plants tamarind (Tamarindus indica Linn.) known to the public as a shade tree and is found in almost all parts of Indonesia. The leaves are called "sinom" in the Java language is also used as a vegetable and medicine Empirically Java acid is used as a remedy gout, ulcers, boils, laxative, fever, menstrual facilitator, inflammation. Laxative effect has been studied (laxative) leaf juice tamarind…
Kebugaran fisik mewakili salah satu faktor untuk menentuan kondisi kesehatan. Kebugaran fisik terdiri dari lima komponen yaitu: morfologi ketahanan otot, motorik, kardiorespirasi, dan komponen metabolisme. Kardiorespirasi adalah komponen terpenting. Seseorang dengan berat badan lebih atau gemuk memiliki resiko tinggi menderita penyakit kardiovaskuler, sehingga diasumsikan bahwa seseorang denga…
Diarrhoeal diseases become the second caused of death of the under-fives, the third in infant, and the fifth at all people in Indonesia. WHO indicated that about 301-347 per 1000 people still infected by diarrhea fro year 2000 up to 2003. This study analyzed the Basic Health Research data collected in 2007 to determine the prevalence, characteristic determinants including its Odd Ratio (behavio…