ABSTRACT Background: Clinical manifestations of Hericobacter pylori (H. pylory) infection in children are not specific, and diagnosis through endoscopic examination in children needs special skills. This study aims to determine H. pylori by culture and PCR primers gImM (UreC) in the feces of children diagnosed as diarrhea treated at the Department of Pediatrics, Mataram University, West Nusa…
Metformin hydrochloride is an orally administered biguanide derivative drug and functions as an anti hyperglycemic in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus with bioavailability between 50-60%. Floating system is the one method to enhance absorption and bioavailability of metformin hydrochloride. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of guar gum concentration and concentration…
Nyeri perineum akibat robekan yang terjadi pada saat persalinan dapat dirasakan segera setelah melahirkan atau beberapa bulan kemudian, sehingga menyebabkan dispareunia. Episiotomi sebagai profilaktik untuk melindungi integritas dasar panggul merupakan insisi bedah yang lurus dan rapi akan menggantikan laserasi kasar. Sensasi nyeri akibat penjahitan luka episiotomi dapat dikurangi dengan menggu…
Stroke merupakan salah satu manifestasi gangguan neurologi yang timbulnya mendadak dan dalam waktu singkat. Stroke dapat menyebabkan kematian atau problem kecacatan dengan kelainan neurologi yang menetap sehingga dapat mengganggu kemampuan fungsional penderita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan manfaat antara MRP dibandingkan dengan CIMT pada pasien pasca stroke stadium kroni…
Reservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the referen…