Simplisia sebagai bahan baku obat tradisional, wajib mengikuti parameter standar yang tercantum dalam Materia Medika Indonesia atau Farmakope Herbal Indonesia yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan. Ketentuan parameter standar simplisia ditetapkan dalam rangka menjaga kestabilan mutu produk obat tradisional dari batch ke batch. Permasalahan parameter standar simplisia yang berlaku saat ini, bel…
Buku ini merupakan panduan untuk penyusunan proposal penelitian, protokol penelitian, pelaksanaan penelitian, dan penyusunan laporan akhir penelitian kuantitatif. Diharapkan dengan panduan ini penelitian yang diusulkan lebih berkualitas dan menghasilkan output, outcome, benefit, dan impact yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan stakeholders serta mendukung program pembangunan kesehatan.
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Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009 on Pharmacy Practice states that pharmacy staff is those who practice pharmacy, namely pharmacists and technical pharmacy staff. According to chapter 2, dispensing of prescription drugs, among others in primary health center (PHC), must be done by a pharmacist. The availability of pharmacy staff relating to PHC characteristics and pharmacy practice is sti…
A descriptive qualitative study on the implementation of MOH Decrees related to local herbal Traditional Medicine Therapy in Bali, West Java and Central Java, had been conducted cross-sectionally in 2011. Objectives of this study were to identify local licensing policy, perception of professional organization, and supports and obstacles of their implementation. Data were collected through i…
Procurement and distribution of drugs to community health centers generally performed by health office districts, such as Depok City, but in the province of Jakarta conducted by the community health centers in sub district. The purpose of the study was to compare the rational drug use among community health centers in the district of Depok City and South Jakarta. This study used a cross-sec…
The Act of The Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1996 on Food mentioned that every label and or advertisement concerning food to be sold must mention information concerning the food correctly and not misleading. The government shall regulate, supervise and the measure which are needed, in order that an advertisement concerning food which is sold does not contain information which may be mislead…