Uji DNA HPV telah dipakai sebagaiuji tambahan paling efektif cara mendeteksi keberadaan HPV sedini mungkin. Uji DNA HPV dapat mengetahui golongan hr-HPV atau Ir-HPV dengan menggunakan teknik HC II atau dengan metode PCR, Uji DNA HPV juga dapat melihat genottipe HPV dengan metode DNA-UPF Micro Array System, Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit dan linear Array HPV
Research on the Application of Linear Array HPV genotyping test in detection of HPV genotypes on Cervical Cancer Patients that is intended to study the DNA hybridization method in the identification of genotypes of HPV that cause cervical cancer using diagnostic device Linear Array HPV genotyping test. The aim of this study are to determine and detect the presence of HPV genotypes on sample. T…
Control program of Aedes aegypti in Banjarmasin by using Malation has been done since almost 15 years ago. Related to this, a study about distribution and resistence of Ae.aegypti in Banjarmasin has been done. Ae.aegypti shown to be in almost all area in Banjarmasin, with water container in the bathroom and in the house are more liked. Susceptibility test showed that this mosquito was resiste…
Exposure to cigarette can affect the pregnancy, one miscarriage risk. SCientific evidence shows that exposure to smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal death and disorder. Exposure to environmental factors, smoking is a cause of abortion other than matemal factors and fetal factors. The aim of research to determine the effect of smoking on pregnant women exposure on the inddence o…
The more often a baby teeds: the more milk produced. Preliminary Study Results at BPS Farida Hajri in Surabaya on 11 to 20 March 201(}, from 15 postpartum mothers found that nearly half (40%) had insufficient milkproduction when expected all postpartum mothers have enough milk so that it can meet the nutritional needs of infants. The problem this research is still low postpartum mothers have en…
Proiotik adalah suplemen makanan yang mengandung mikroorganisme hidup, dikonsumsi dengan tujuan memberi banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan manusia. Probiotik banyak digunakan dalam produk-produk makanan di Jepang dan Eropa, sebagian besar probiotik digunakan dan dan tersedia dalam produk susu fermentasi, khususnya yoghurt. Bakteri yang bermanfaat sebagai probiotik diantaranya Lactobacterium spp. La…
Penelitian mengnai Aplikasi Hybrid Capture II System dalam deteksi dini kaner serviks dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari metoda hibridisasi DNA dalam identifikasi keterdapatan HPV yang menyebabkan kanker serviks dengan menggunakan perangkat diagnostic Hybrid Capture® 2 Digene. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan system Hybtid Capure-II (HC-II) untuk mendeteksi keberadaan HPV dal…