In Indonesia infertility is still a problem for married couples, because 10-15% of married couples suffer from infertility. Infertility can be caused by the husband and wife, but in reality 40-60% are caused by the husband. Data infertility based on analysis of cement, which is one important way to determine the level of male fertility. Cement circumstances that can cause infertility, among oth…
Background: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitants) serotype-B has long been associated with aggressive periodontitis. Gingival epithelial cell is exquisitely sensitive to the toxin so that may lead to disruptioti of the epithelial protective barrier. facilitating invasion and perturbation of the underlying connective tissue. Currently suggested that Aa serotype-B prod…
Background: Postpartum blues is a mild mental disorder in postpartum mothers. infant feeding methods may affect the reciprocal of the postpartum blues or postpartum maternal mental health, and these symptoms can lead to successful breast-feeders (breast milk) exclusively Results in 2010 in lndonesia RISKESDES feeding patterns in infants < 1 month was 55.1% partially, and in the province of Beng…
Textile factory in Indonesia is an important source of foreign exchange for the country because the numbers were quite a lot. The factory workers have a high risk for the occurrence of hearing disorders. Sound intensity more than 85 dB in a long time could cause hearing loss, both temporary or permanent. If this does not get serious attention, it can results in adverse effects. It is not in acc…
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) is a reflux of gastric content to the laryngopharyngeal and influenced by Helicobacter pylori infection. The treatment of H. pylori infection consists of proton pump inhibitor and two kinds of antibiotics, i.e. amoxicillin and clarithromycin. The role of PPI is currently being studied. The objectives of the research were to compare the effectiveness of antibiotics…
Background: ln principle. nursing and midwifery service in health service system is a process of professional service provided by nurses and midwives to individual person. household. community groups. and society; either in fit or iI! condition. on the basis of existing nursing and midwifery norrns. Motivation encourages the nurses and midwives to provide quality and professional health service…
This research have aim to knows relation between health factor with toddler's growth. This explanatory researchbecause the variable had distinc by means of hipotesis testing. Research metod is survey, because researcher do removal sampie from population with measure in a direct manner include: age, nutrient, disease, toddler's growth up. Research approachment are cross sectional com pri se depe…
Background: Postpartum depression phenomenon was a women health problem and indicate an increased, especially in primiparous mother. Early studied in dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, found 4 from 10 primiparous mother detected postpartum depression. Postpartum depression was a negative effect upon mother, spouse and her chiid. Long time effect to postpartum depression is severe depression, marita…