Research on antibacterial activity of jockfruit wood (A heterophylla Lmk) ethanolic extract to B, subtilis and E coli in vitro have been done, jackfruit woor ethanolic extraction was done with maceration method using ethonolic solvent 70%. Antibacterial activity test used agar diffution method. There were tesred 5 groups of serial extract concentration 1%, 10% and 100%; positive control (tetrac…
Background: The government effort to continuously increase the empowerment of community was held with the using of posyandu, namely posyandu revitalization. That strategy is hoped to increase knowledge of community on health efforts that has promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative nature. The knowledge and positive behavior from community member on any health efforts that have been …
A 13 years old female child was carried to Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakartaby her mother with chief complant of a mass on the forehead. Since eight months perior to her visiting, she had a massa on her forehead which became larger slowly without tendermess and had no fever. Clinical examination revealed a well circumscribed massa, 3 cm in diameter, fixed, with rubbery consistency. The …
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of clinical examination in determining the stage of operable cervical cancer and the extent of the disease.Method: The study involved 58 subjects from outpatient, emergency unit, and ward of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, from January 2008 to December 2010 with a diagnosis of cervical cancer. Patients who were diagnos…
data on the epidemiology of influenza in tropical countries, including Indonesia, are still limited. Up dateddata for its prevalence is needed to monitor its spreading and to evaluate its outbreak. Therefore a workingregional laboratory in surveillance of ILI (Influenza Like Illness) was formed. This research was conducted toprovide updated data on prevalence of ILI in regional laboratorium avi…
Background: Malaria kills approximately 1 million children each year and also a major cause of illness, health care visited, and hospitalizations in part of the world. In children malaria will interfere growth and development. At 2007, in Kelurahan Hargotirto and Hargowilis, there were 22 cases of malaria of 94 cases of malaria found in Kabupaten Kulonprogo. The first line of defence against ma…
Background: Iron deficiency during infancy may lead to negative effect on cognitive function and psychomotor development. This study aimed to investigate serum ferritin, haemoglobin level and its relation to cognitive development score in infants aged 6–8 months. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 76 infants recruited from several selected community health center in Kampung Me…
Background: Hypoxia results in an increased generation of ROS. Until now, little is known about the role of MnSOD - a major endogenous antioxidant enzyme - on the cell adaptation response against hypoxia. The aim of this study was to determine the MnSOD mRNA expression and levels of specific activity in blood, heart and brain of rats during induced systemic hypoxia. Methods: Twenty-five mal…