Objective: to determine a distribution’s type, indication of section casarean and referral case in delivery room General Hospital Zainoel Abidin (RSUZA)-Faculty ofMedicine Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) period of January 2008-October 2010. Research Design: This was a descriptive analytic study that was conducted at delivery roomRSUZA-FK USK January 2008-October 2010. Data was taken based on …
Infant health problems in the community, among others acute and chronic nutritional status. The prevalence of children under five years are wasting and stunting, for nationally at 13.6% and 36.8%. Some characteristics of the study has been done. Studies, generally only partially studied of the nutritional status classification. Comprehensive study of the characteristics expected to give advice …
Although the importance of breastfeeding has been well known world wide, the number of exclusively breastfeeding is still small in most of countries including Indonesia. Therefore, this research objective is to identify the relationship exclusive breastfeeding practicing profile and having breast milk and weaning food promotion in Nusa Tenggara Timur This study design is cross sectional. Sample…
Backgrounds: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) was still become a major health problem over many provinces, because of large amount of endemic area in Indonesia. DHF endemic areas were commonly spread through to the other area fast, and often be fatal. Many children dead because of late from early detection and management, something that actually could be prevented well. Meanwhile, dengue shock sy…
Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan selama pelatihan adalah melakukan pembedahan tikus hasil penangkapan di daerah sekitar LIPI, kemudian dari hasil pembedahan diambil organ dalam tikus berupa hati, ginjal, paru-paru dan organ pencernaan diambil kemudian ditempatkan pada cawan petri yang terpisah untuk diperiksa ada tidaknya cacing baik nematoda maupun cestoda. Untuk organ yang tidak langsung diperi…
Toxoplasma sering menjadi momok bagi wanita karena merupakan salah satu penyebab ketidaksuburan seorang wanita, yang diakibatkan oleh parasit yang bernama Toxoplasma gondii. Padahal ternyata tidak hanya wanita saja, pria pun dapat terinfeksi parasit ini. Toxoplasma gondii merupakan hewan bersel satu yang disebut protozoa, protozoa ini merupakan parasit pada tubuh hewan dan manusia. Toxoplasma g…