Background: Prevention of tuberculosis, particularly pulmonary tuberculosis in lndonesia was started in 1969, but the number of pulmonary TB patients is increasing. Methods:Ethnographic qualitative study aims to assess the independence of the community effort in preventing pulmonary TB disease transmission. Methods: of data collection participatory observation, in-depth interviews with informan…
Background: TB DO TS Strategy policy as the government's efforts in order to decrease TB patients is facilitated through the state budget cost resources, budget, global foreign aid fund, and the WHO. This qualitative study aimed to determinan poeing on cultural efforts in the prevention of pulmonary TB disease. Method of data collection participatory observation, in-depth interviews in patients…
Backgrounds: One of the phases that have a high vulnerability to HIV-AIDS is adolescence, a period which has the highest social mobility than at any other age. In recent years there is a trend of increased cases of HIV-AIDS, especially in groups of teenagers who are of reproductive age. Social penalties for people with HIV-AIDS, are generally more severe when compared with patients with other d…
Backgrounds: AIDS claimed to have caused death as much as 2.4 to 3.3 million in 2005, and more than 570,000 people of whom are children. One of the phases that have a high vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is adolescence, a period which has the highest social mobility than at any other age. Methods: This study aims to analyze the relationship of knowledge of behavior modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS w…