Zinecard is used to prevent a toxic effect to heart caused by certain medicines that are used to treat cancer. Zinecard is also used to treat tissue damage caused by the leakage of certain medicines that are used to treat cancer. Differential pulse polarographic method developed for the quantitative determination of zinecard gives a peak at -0.32 V at DME. From the structural point of view zine…
Over the last decade, lndonesia became one of the fastest growing injecting drug user (IDU) driven Human Immune Defeciency Virus (HIV) epidemics in Asia. Among strategies to prevent and control the HIV epidemic in lndonesia, methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) has been established and could become an entry point for HIV testing and treatment in IDUs. This study explored MMT and HIV treatment …
To Investigate the efficacy of diclofenac 50 mg (NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) in the treatment of nocturnal polyuria. Twenty four patients (23 male and 1 female) with a mean age of 61 years (range 34-0) dagnosed with nocturnal polyuria were recruited. The study perioad comprised 2 weeks of either placebo or active medication. Following one-week rest period, patients were crossed over to…
Abstract Objective: To describe the level of knowledge of Pap smear examination and its influencing factors in cervical cancer patients.Methods: Patients meeting the inclusion criteria were asked to fill questionnaire. Acquired data will then be processed and analyzed statistically. Result: This study was performed to 45 cervical cancer patients. We found that the majority of subjects was in…
Objective: This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between the level of psychosocial stress on preterm birth and termbirth. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, with 45 patients experiencing preterm birth and at term birth, who met the inclusion and exclusion criterias in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital and other hospital nearby. Result: The …
Introduction: Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection in human immunodefisiency virus (HIV) patients. Aim this study was to describe TB-HIV coinfection patients among TB patients according to clinical symptoms, acid fast ba cili, chest radiography. Methods: Descriptive study from medical record of 37 TB-HIV coinfection patients in Dr.Moewardi Hospital Surakarta in January 1st 20…
Human milk contains higher levels of gangliosides than infant formula. Gangliosides play a role in neuronal growth, migration and maturation, sinaptogenesis, and myelination. Seven of gangliosides (GM1, GM2, GM3, GD3, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) are dominant with their own specific functions. Thus, the aim of the study was to know the effects of add on diet gangliosides and to compare the spectrum p…
Zinecard is used to prevent a toxic effect to heart caused by certain medicines that are used to treat cancer. Zinecard is also used to treat tissue damage caused by the leakage of certain medicines th at are used to treat cancer. Differential pulse polarographic method developed for the quantitative determination of zinecard gives a peak at -0.32 V at DME. From the structural point of view zin…
Abstract Objective: The research aims at comparing the elastin immunolabelingin the uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ prolapseand without pelvic organ prolapse (POP).Methods: The research is done at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospitaland education networking some hospitals the Obstetrics and GynecologicalSchool of Medicine Hasanuddin University that began inJanuary 2011 until April…
Introduction: Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection in human immunodefisiency virus (HIV) patients. Aim this study was to describe TB-HIV coinfection patients among TB patients according to clinical symptoms, acid fast ba cili, chest radiography. Methods: Descriptive study from medical record of 37 TB-HIV coinfection patients in Dr.Moewardi Hospital Surakarta in January 1st 20…