The degrees of respiratory distress syndrome from thorax X-ray and degrees of asphyxia in preterm neonates Background: Respiration Distress Syndrome (ROS) is a complication of prematurity lung disorder and common causes of premature neonatal morbidity. Clinically ROS provides signs of asphyxia that can be assessed with APGAR score. C!t?st X-ray can also diagnose and determine the degree oJ RDS…
The prevalence of hypertension from January-June 2008 in District Kembang Public Health Health Centre Westre Jakarta is still high. Hyperension ranks third after Acute Respiratory Tract Infection and tuberculosis. According to the literature, the prevalence of hypertensio is seen as early as 20-40 years and smokers tend to develop hypertenstion faster than non-smokers. For this Reasion, we hav…
Sebagian besar penelitian telah menemukan bahwa latihan aerobik dapat mengurangi penambahan trigliserida postprandial dalam plasma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan konsentrasi triliserida dalam darah antara kelompak yang melakuan latihan high impact dan kelompok yang melakukan latihan body language setelah diberikan diet dengan jumlah dan komposisi ang sama sebelum merek…