Tuberculosis disease could cause death, mostly in productive age. Tuberculosis control programs in Indonesia implemented by Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse Chemotherapy (DOTS) strategy. The success of spreadover prevention on TB patients was taking medicine as worker suggestion. Drugs swallowing controler was one of the most important factors that support TB treatment. The research …
Penelitian tentang kerusakan morfologi larva Aedes aegypti setelah terpapar temefos pada fase larva instar 3 (L3) bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerusakan morfologi larva setelah terpapar temefos konsentrasi letal pada fase instar 3 (L3). Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental dengan desain penelitian rancangan acak lengkap. Konsentrasi temefos yang diuji didapatkan berdasarkan hasil a…