Jenis nyamuk tersangka vektor tertangkap pada spot survey entomologi di Desa Kalipoh, Kecamatan Ayah, kabupaten Kebumen adalah An. aconitus, An. maculatus dan An.balabacencis. Habitat larva nyamuk tersangka vektor adalah sungai dan genangan air depan rumah penderita.
The research on "Study of Society's Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) about Lymphatic Filariasis in Pabean Village, Pekalongan Utara Sub District, Pekalongan City" has been done with cross sectional method. There were 100 respondents. The result of this research showed 38% respondent hadless knowledge, 46% had middle knowledge and 16% had good knowledge. Most of the respondent had good att…
A study on Society's Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) focused on Lymphatic Filariasis in Pabean Village, Pekalongan Utara Sub District, Pekalongan City has been done with cross sectional method. There were 100 respondences. The results showed 38% of the respondences had insufficient knowledge, 46% had suficient knowledgeand 16% had good practice. Most of the respondences had good attitude…