50. Pelaksanaan proses asuhan gizi terstandar (PAGT) terhadap asupan gizi dan kadar glukosa darah pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 (Standardized nutrition care process implementation to nutrient intake and blood glucose level of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2)/ Yunita; Ahmad Husein Asdie; Susetyowati.-- Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 10 (2) 2013: 82-91 ABSTRACT Background: Food planni…
ABSTRACT Background: Food planning is a basis of diabetes mellitus (DM) therapy. Proper diet is essential for effective control of blood glucose level. Diet therapy through the care of nutrition team in hospital can increase nutrient intake ofpatients in hospital. In 2003 the American Diabetes Association recommended a model of standardized nutrition care process (SNCP). Objective: To find…